We Can Use Neo4j Graph Database with EFW reports:
Note: This blog is applicable for HI Version Helical Insight v1.0.0
Follow these steps to use Neo4j Graph database with helical insight:
Step 1: First we have to Download Neo4j JDBC driver to Neo4j graph database with HI
You can download Neo4j driver from here
Step 2: Open “hi-repository” folder from the location where Helical Insight application is installed.
For Example: C:\Helical Insight\hi-repository\
Step 3: Now, open System folder and then open Drivers folder.
Step 4: On opening, a list of jar files for each database will be seen.
Step 5: Now, to add a new driver in the list, download database specific “JDBC driver jar file of type 4” file from the source and then add the driver file into “Drivers” folder.
Step 6: Now Create a EFW report, and open EFWD
file to add the Neo4j connection details to access the Neo4j database.
<Connection id="1" type="sql.jdbc"> <Driver>org.neo4j.jdbc.bolt.BoltDriver</Driver> <Url>jdbc:neo4j:bolt://localhost:7687?noSsl</Url> <User>neo4j</User> <Pass>neo4j</Pass> </Connection>
<Driver>org.neo4j.jdbc.bolt.BoltDriver</Driver> : Neo4j Bolt Driver
<Driver>org.neo4j.jdbc.bolt.BoltDriver</Driver> : Neo4j bolt JDBC URL
<User>neo4j</User> : username of the Neo4j DB
<Pass>root</Pass> : password of the Neo4j DB
Step 7: Now create a DataMap to write Neo4j database query.
<DataMaps> <DataMap id="1" connection="1" type="sql" > <Name>Neo4j Sample queery </Name> <Query> <![CDATA[ MATCH (cust:Customer)-[:PURCHASED]->(:Order)-[o:ORDERS]->(p:Product),(p)-[:PART_OF]->(c:Category {categoryName:"Produce"}) RETURN DISTINCT cust.contactName as label, SUM(o.quantity) AS value LIMIT 10 ]]> </Query> </DataMap> </DataMaps>
Name: A short description for the query
Query: The query to be executed, within a <![CDATA[ ]]>
tag. Parameters can be specified like ${nameOfTheParameter}
To see how EFW report is created in Helical Insight click on link below
How To Create EFW Report In HI