In this article, we will provide an overview on Radial Dendrogram. Radial Dendrogram representations use a visual circle to unrooted trees and can be used to show hierarchical data. This is very similar to circular layout with one major difference is that branches can be expanded and nodes can be placed in such a way that the clusters can be easily presented.
In this chart we have root in the center. The Children of the root are placed in the inner-most ring. The angle occupied by a child is proportional to the space required by the node.
As many dimensions as we want can be shown in this kind of chart.
Helical Insight has an inbuilt option of Radial Dengrogram chart. You can connect to database, drag and drop the columns, add filter if required and visualize the data in radial dendrogram chart inside browser. We have also customized the chart so that whenever you click on any node, you can see what all are the parent nodes and child nodes. Parent nodes are shown in red color and child nodes are shown in green color.
Further customization’s can be done by adding CSS, HTML and Javascripts. Customization could be things like the hover-over information, color, heading, background color, size etc.
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