Following are the steps to configure Hive Datasource into Helical Insight Application :
- Go to Tomcat Library folder
Extract the jar files provided into lib folder. (lib folder contains many jar files).
- Go to Admin folder present in hi-repository
- Find adhocSqlSettings.xml file in Admin Folder and open it in a text editor
- Modify existing XML code by adding dialect code
- Create Hive Datasource :
Open sample_datasource.efwd file in a text-editor.
- On opening efwd file, a list to datasources will be available with the corresponding connection details.
- To create Hive datasource, add the following code into it :
- User and password ( Database Credentials )
- Connection Id : It has to be unique
On modifying efwd file code, then Save it.
Hereon, the application can be used to connect with the hive database. Restarting the application server (apache tomcat) is required.
- Now, access hive datasource in Helical Insight Application. To know more, click here
Path: “ C:\Helical Insight\apache-tomcat-7\webapps\hi\WEB-INF\lib “
Note : Path address will depend on where the Helical Insight application is installed. Here, Helical Insight Application is installed in windows C drive.
Path:C:/Helical Insight/ hi-repository/System/Admin/
Path:C:/Helical Insight/ hi-repository/System/Admin/adhocSqlSettings.xml
<dialect> org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect </dialect>
For configuring hive datasource an efwd is required. An efwd consist of datasource details. In Helical Insight, an efwd file is present in hi-repository. There can be only one file with efwd extension in one folder.
For Example : When an Helical Insight application is installed in the system, a sample folder is available in the repository consisting of various reports and dashboards. Then efwd file is available at this location :
Path: C:\Helical Insight\hi-repository\1463377807724\1472040223535\sample_datasource.efwd
<Connection id="6" type="sql.jdbc" name="Hive DataSource">
Following details to be configured by the user:
Troubleshoot Guide incase query not working
If your Hive Server is using a different dialect you may face issues with the queries generated in the adhoc reports. One known fix is that we can empty the name attribute of the database node in the metadata XML that is being used to create reports. To locate the metadata open File browser (Metadata option -> Edit Metadata). Navigate to the location of the metadata and right click on the metadata. Click on properties. You will see a model window with some properties. The path property shows the exact location of the metadata file in your hi-repository. Open the saved metadata XML in your favourite text editor. Metadata is saved inside a folder in hi-repository folder. Once you open the metadata file in an editor, find the XML node
Example :<database name="YourDBName">
Now, just empty the name attribute.
<database name="">
Note : Do not remove the attribute; just remove the value.
For further assistance, kindly contact us on or post your queries at