In order to apply customization to the tabular report, click on the “Customize” button on report create or report edit page.

The table format script is used to change the look and feel of the table. You can change the colour theme, apply row and column banding, change the font size and type as well as add prefixes and suffixes to numeric columns, define column value alignment etc. Double click on the table format icon to open the following modal window. In the Basic mode, you can change the overall font size and type. Also, you can change the look of the table by selecting from the numerous options available. Click on Ok and apply the customization by clicking on the small tick.

In order to have more granular control and define how each column should appear, click on the toggle button to go to Advanced mode. Here, for each column you can make the changes. Click on More button next to column name to change the properties of the column.

For text columns, you can change the font type, size, weight and alignment of the text.

For numeric columns, you can change the font weight, size, type and alignment of text. Apart from this, you can add prefix and suffix (like $, kg etc.). You have the option to display some value if the value of the cell is NULL and also add thousand separator.
You can add color, icons, databars as well depending on the values. Thos bars/colors/icons can come based on the average in that column or you can also specify a number basis which these will come.

Click on Ok after making the changes. The Table Format icon will be highlighted. Click on the small tick to apply the customization.

The customization is applied.

Helical Insight