Filters can be applied by using either of the 2 methods:
Method 1: Double-clicking the icon
Double click on Filter icon present in the columns on left panel.
Method 2: Drag n drop column
Select the Filter tab and drag the columns that you want to apply as a filter into the selection area.
To edit the filter, click on ‘edit’ button. Edit option allows user to define/modify filter conditions.
There are 2 modes to apply filters i.e. Auto & Custom
Auto mode: Using auto mode, user can choose any of these 3 conditions: ‘equal’, ‘is one of’ & ‘custom’. ‘Equal’ condition is used when only one variable is to be selected. ’is one of’ condition can be used when there are multiple variables. ‘Custom’ condition allows user to apply operators or any other custom condition. The values then can be either ‘Auto’ i.e. values from the database or ‘custom’ i.e. the exact value the user wants to use for filtering. From version 4.0 GA onwards, we have applied security rules for custom filter values. The default rule is “strict-metadata”, implying that only values from the tables and columns within the metadata can be used in the fully qualified SQL queries. There are other rules such as default, strict and stripped which may be applied. For more details on security rules, refer to this blog.
Custom mode: Using custom mode, users can write their own custom conditions. Operators like >, <, = can be used for the values the user gives.
From version 4.0 GA onwards, we have applied security rules for custom filter values. The default rule is “strict-metadata”, implying that only values from the tables and columns within the metadata can be used in the fully qualified SQL queries. There are other rules such as default, strict and stripped which may be applied. For more details on security rules, refer to this blog.
If you want to hide the filter in report open / dashboard view then select the checkbox against “Hide in report view”. The user will not be able to see the filter in the report open mode. You can change the filter value by appending it in the URL.This feature is used when the filter value is being passed from another application / URL and you do not want the user to change the value of the filter from the frontend.

You can see mode_of_payment filter but not Booking Platform filter
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