There are times where we need to change how the dates and numbers appears on the report. Should it be having a thousand separator, round of to 2 decimal places if this number means an accounting unit, if the number is an ID then it should not have any decimal place or separator. If the amount is too big, we need to deduce it to Million or Billion etc.

Similarly, do we need to put month in words, or in numbers, year should be in 2 digits or 4 digits, or time should be in 12 hour format or 24 hour format. To these and many more options we can format the report’s values.

Let us discuss these options in more details with example. Prepare a report with date or datetime field on which we need to apply a formatting. Select the meatball icon from the Tools pane on top right (highlighted in yellow) as shown in image. List of additional menu options will appear. Select ‘Properties‘ from this list. All formatting options are part of chart/visualization properties. Currently formatting options are supported in all visualizations except Charts viz: i.e. supported in Table, CrossTab, Grid Chart, More Charts.

1.1        Formatting Date, Time or Datetime values

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Again, select the meatball icon within properties in front of Title. A list of additional options for Properties will appear. Select Formatfrom here.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Show All Fields: Fromm version 1083 of Helical Insight version 5.0, this new option is also present. This is useful in case if you use a measure as a dimension (ref :, then in order to show that as a field here in the drop down list we need to use this option. When this is enabled, then that field will also be visible here.

When you click on box in front of Field, you will see list of all the numeric and date or date-time data fields used in the report. Select the one that you need to format. In Given example we have ‘travel_date’ as date-time datatype.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Let us select ‘travel_date‘ for date-time datatype. So, all the customizations that can be done to the date-time datatype will be shown this panel.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

In Apply, we select where these changes needed to be shown. There are five places in which we can see the formatted values of ‘travel_date’ viz: Axis, Pane, Tooltip, Label and Actions.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

  • Axis is along x-axis and y-axis as on any chart with axis, like bar charts, area charts or line charts etc
  • Pane is the actual content of the report like values in a table, crosstab etc.
  • Tooltip sets it on tooltip of pointer.
  • Label Applies to data label on the charts when we select a Label on the report.
  • Actions enable the formatting on Action Menu while going for drill-down or drill-through.

The subsequent image shows how the formatting is visible in all these places.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Data Type: displays the data type of the selected field to which the formatting is being applied.

All the subsequent fields are for formatting of date/time based on data type. This will change based on the datatype of the selected field. Let’s discuss them.

Day: we have 3 options of formatting highlighted by the orange square.

  • Number: to show day part of date as without extra ‘0’. Ex: 3 will be shown as ‘3
  • Number starts with Zero: to show day part with leading 0. Ex: 3 will be shown as ‘03’.
  • None: to skip showing day part of date at all.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Week gives you option to calculate and add the week number for the given date

  • None: does not calculate or show the week number
  • Number: append the week number after date time string from 1 to 52 (or 53 depending on calendar week) as ‘1
  • Abbreviation: the week number will have ‘W’ appended to show the week part in the date time formatted string as ‘W1
  • Full: the week number will have ‘Week’ appended to show the week part in the date time formatted string as ‘Week1

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Month gives you formatting options for month part of the date, to show month as

  • Number: show the month part as a number like for January show as ‘1’
  • Number starts with zero:show the month part in 2 digits like for January show as ‘01’
  • Abbreviation: show the month part abbreviation like for January show as ‘Jan’
  • Full: show the month part in full like for January show as ‘January’
  • None: to remove showing month altogether

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Quarter gives you option to calculate and add the quarter of the year for the given date. If you enable week along with quarter, quarter values will be appended after date, time and week values

  • None:does not calculate or show the quarter number
  • Number: appends the quarter of the year to which the date belongs
  • Abbreviation: adds ‘Q’ before the quarter number to show the quarter part of the date time formatting

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Year gives you option to change year part of the date

  • 4 Digit: shows the year part in 4-digit format. Ex: 1999 will be shown as ‘1999’
  • 2 Digit: shows the year part in 2-digit format. Ex: 1999 will be shown as ‘99’
  • None: will remove the year part from being displayed.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Date Separator gives you choice of using a symbol between year month and date part of the date format you define. You can select from various common date separator symbols like

  • hyphen ‘
  • comma ‘,
  • forward slash ‘/
  • period (dot) ‘.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Based on our data type is date-time, we can see that time formatting option are available to us. Let us go through these options too.

Hour lets you control the formatting of hour part of the time

    • 12 Hr: shows the time in 12-hour format, number ‘01’ through ‘12’ with ‘am’ or ‘pm’ appended after the time part of value.
    • 24 Hr: shows the time in 24-hour format, numbers ‘00’ through ‘23
    • None: removes the hour part from being displayed.

Minute, Second and Millisecondgives you option to display or hide the minute, second or millisecond part with option of ‘Number’ and ‘None’.

Time Separator can be used to select the time separator of your choice from the list.

1.2        Formatting Numbers

Just like formatting date values we can format numbers. In the same place (Properties>Format) Select the numeric field you want to apply formatting to. In the example below we have used ‘travel_cost’ as the field and an aggregation of ‘sum’ is applied on it

When you click on box in front of Field, you will see that all numeric and date datatype is available in this Field.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Select ‘sum_travel_cost’ and the all the all the formatting options for that numeric datatype will be shown in the panel.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Apply can be used in the same way as discussed before with exact same options of Axis, Pane, Tooltip, Label and Actions.
Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Below is the image of a sample report where travel cost in not formatted.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Now let us format the ‘sum_travel_cost’.

Enabling Thousand Separator will add a comma separator to make it readable as standard 3 places separator.

Decimal makes specified number of decimal places in the visualization anything with more decimal places will be rounded off to 2 decimal place. Here in the image the value is set to 2 decimal places.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Prefix letsyou to add text string or symbol before the number. We have added Rupee symbol for prefix.

Similarly, Suffix lets you to add text string or symbol after the number.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Display Units which will convertnumbers according to the chosen option

  • None: No conversion will be applied.
  • Auto: Convert each value based on how big the number is.
  • Thousands: Will convert all values by reducing three digits and automatically apply ‘K’ in the end
  • Millions: Will convert all values by reducing six digits and automatically apply ‘M’ in the end
  • Billions: Will convert all values by reducing 9 digits and automatically apply ‘B’ in the end

Please note if we have other options like decimal places applied, then proper conversion to 2 decimal places will still be applied by the application.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Percentage will show the numbers as percentage by multiplying the travel cost with 100 and add % in the Suffix.
Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

Point to note

After the required formatting is done, do not forget to click Apply from the button to see the changes in your report.

Resetbutton at the bottom will reset the format settings to the default. If you want to reflect the removal of settings, after Reset, also select Apply to see the changes.

Formatting Datapoints In Helical Insight 5.0

These values are only displayed in given format, the actual values are still the same as coming from DB, you can control if same value needs to be displayed in specific format in one place while in another place it should remain same as in database. Like in table you can have apply the formatting to Pane while in Action Menu you let the original values be there.

Helical Insight’s self-service capabilities is one to reckon with. It allows you to simply drag and drop columns, add filters, apply aggregate functions if required, and create reports and dashboards on the fly. For advanced users, the self-service component has ability to add javascript, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3 and AJAX. These customizations allow you to create dynamic reports and dashboards. You can also add new charts inside the self-service component, add new kind of aggregate functions and customize it using our APIs.
Helical Insight’s self-service capabilities is one to reckon with. It allows you to simply drag and drop columns, add filters, apply aggregate functions if required, and create reports and dashboards on the fly. For advanced users, the self-service component has ability to add javascript, HTML, HTML5, CSS, CSS3 and AJAX. These customizations allow you to create dynamic reports and dashboards. You can also add new charts inside the self-service component, add new kind of aggregate functions and customize it using our APIs.
Helical Insight, via simple browser based interface of Canned Reporting module, also allows to create pixel perfect printer friendly document kind of reports also like Invoice, P&L Statement, Balance sheet etc.
Helical Insight, via simple browser based interface of Canned Reporting module, also allows to create pixel perfect printer friendly document kind of reports also like Invoice, P&L Statement, Balance sheet etc.
If you have a product, built on any platform like Dot Net or Java or PHP or Ruby, you can easily embed Helical Insight within it using iFrames or webservices, for quick value add through instant visualization of data.
If you have a product, built on any platform like Dot Net or Java or PHP or Ruby, you can easily embed Helical Insight within it using iFrames or webservices, for quick value add through instant visualization of data.
Being a 100% browser-based BI tool, you can connect with your database and analyse across any location and device. There is no need to download or install heavy memory-consuming developer tools – All you need is a Browser application! We are battle-tested on most of the commonly used browsers.
Being a 100% browser-based BI tool, you can connect with your database and analyse across any location and device. There is no need to download or install heavy memory-consuming developer tools – All you need is a Browser application! We are battle-tested on most of the commonly used browsers.
We have organization level security where the Superadmin can create, delete and modify roles. Dashboards and reports can be added to that organization. This ensures multitenancy.
We have organization level security where the Superadmin can create, delete and modify roles. Dashboards and reports can be added to that organization. This ensures multitenancy.
We have organization level security where the Superadmin can create, delete and modify roles. Dashboards and reports can be added to that organization. This ensures multitenancy.
We have organization level security where the Superadmin can create, delete and modify roles. Dashboards and reports can be added to that organization. This ensures multitenancy.
A first-of-its-kind Open-Source BI framework, Helical Insight is completely API-driven. This allows you to add functionalities, including but not limited to adding a new exporting type, new datasource type, core functionality expansion, new charting in adhoc etc., at any place whenever you wish, using your own in-house developers.
A first-of-its-kind Open-Source BI framework, Helical Insight is completely API-driven. This allows you to add functionalities, including but not limited to adding a new exporting type, new datasource type, core functionality expansion, new charting in adhoc etc., at any place whenever you wish, using your own in-house developers.
It handles huge volumes of data effectively. Caching, Pagination, Load-Balancing and In-Memory not only provides you with amazing experience, but also and does not burden the database server more than required. Further effective use of computing power gives best performance and complex calculations even on the big data even with smaller machines for your personal use. Filtering, Sorting, Cube Analysis, Inter Panel Communication on the dashboards all at lightning speed. Thereby, making best open-source Business Intelligence solution in the market.
It handles huge volumes of data effectively. Caching, Pagination, Load-Balancing and In-Memory not only provides you with amazing experience, but also and does not burden the database server more than required. Further effective use of computing power gives best performance and complex calculations even on the big data even with smaller machines for your personal use. Filtering, Sorting, Cube Analysis, Inter Panel Communication on the dashboards all at lightning speed. Thereby, making best open-source Business Intelligence solution in the market.
With advance NLP algorithm, business users simply ask questions like, “show me sales of last quarter”, “average monthly sales of my products”. Let the application give the power to users without knowledge of query language or underlying data architecture
With advance NLP algorithm, business users simply ask questions like, “show me sales of last quarter”, “average monthly sales of my products”. Let the application give the power to users without knowledge of query language or underlying data architecture
Our application is compatible with almost all databases, be it RDBMS, or columnar database, or even flat files like spreadsheets or csv files. You can even connect to your own custom database via JDBC connection. Further, our database connection can be switched dynamically based on logged in users or its organization or other parameters. So, all your clients can use the same reports and dashboards without worrying about any data security breech.
Our application is compatible with almost all databases, be it RDBMS, or columnar database, or even flat files like spreadsheets or csv files. You can even connect to your own custom database via JDBC connection. Further, our database connection can be switched dynamically based on logged in users or its organization or other parameters. So, all your clients can use the same reports and dashboards without worrying about any data security breech.
Our application can be installed on an in-house server where you have full control of your data and its security. Or on cloud where it is accessible to larger audience without overheads and maintenance of the servers. One solution that works for all.
Our application can be installed on an in-house server where you have full control of your data and its security. Or on cloud where it is accessible to larger audience without overheads and maintenance of the servers. One solution that works for all.
Different companies have different business processes that the existing BI tools do not encompass. Helical Insight permits you to design your own workflows and specify what functional module of BI gets triggered
Different companies have different business processes that the existing BI tools do not encompass. Helical Insight permits you to design your own workflows and specify what functional module of BI gets triggered