This article explains you about overlays in dashboard designer using Helical Insight application.
Filtering the dashboard filters data based on profile values when we use EFWD for filters
This blog is only relevant in case of version 4.1. In certain cases we will use EFWD mechanism to fetch dashboard filters data for more advanced use cases. What we want to do is we will be getting the profile values via SSO token and we want that the profile value from token should get
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Dashboard designer Undo Redo
The much-awaited option to have better designing experience is now available in Helical Insight 5.0 RC2 GIT 830 onwards. Now if something is not the way you imagined it to be, you can simply undo the recent changes. Every action is taken into account, be it resizing or repositioning of reports, changing attributes, adding or
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Displaying Selected Filter Values in the Dashboard Header
Introduction: In many cases we would like to display the filters values which have been selected at a specific place. So in this blog we would describe how that can be done. Concept: Via dashboard.getVariables(NameOfFilterVariable) we can get the values of the selected filters. Fo what we can do is we can create some HTML
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Changing the Printing Options of the Dashboard
Helical Insight dashboard designer allows you an extensive settings options allowing you to define various kind of configuration while you are exporting the dashboard as PDF. Click on the Settings button at the end of the toolbar. Click on Edit icon next to Dashboard. You will see the various frames that are available by default.