Before sending a report or dashboard via email or scheduling reports and/or dashboards to be emailed, it is necessary to configure the email ID from which these emails will be sent.
In order to do this, open the file present at
.. \hi\hi-repository\System\Mail\You will see the following:
Provide the details of your email server and email authentication details.
Use ‘true’ and ‘false’ instead of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to set isAuthenticated and isSSLEnabled variables.Below is an example for gmail configuration
#This configuration file is used to send e-mails with attachments port=587 isAuthenticated=true isSSLEnabled=true password=helical ssl=true subject=Report Name: body=NOTICE: This email is generated by Helical Insight Application. This email and any attachments may contain confidential and proprietary information and is for the sole use of the intended recipient for the stated purpose. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender.
Note: In gmail settings enable the smtp and imap.
In case if you have any queries please get us at