To get URL of the report you have to follow below steps:
1. Open the file browser and search for the report/dashboard you want to share publicly.
2. Right click on the report/dashboard and open it in a new window. This way you will be able to get the URL specific to that report or dashboard.
3. Create a dummy user or use an already existing user for integration purpose.
4. Assuming dashboard to integrate, for this required folder/s, reports, metadata and dashboard has to be shared with that user.
Note: In case you want to share report/dashboard, all its parent files and folders need to be shared.
5. Once the required files are shared with the user then it will be in read only mode (dummy user cannot make any changes in the reports / dashboards)
6. For integration, an iframe code has to be included in application or web page. In that iFrame, pass the URL of the report or dashboard along with passing the username as well as password as indicated below.
iframe code:
<iframe id="helicalinsight-report-frame" src="" style="height: 100%;width:100%;border:0px;" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen>
iframe id : any unique name can be assigned
src (source) : It includes combination of source URL where Helical insight is installed, organization name, dummy user name, user password, dashboard path and dashboard filename. It is baseURL for the application.
organization : It represents organization name.
dummyUser : It represents the user created for an organization.
Note: If the organization is not present, we can skip j_orgnization.
In an iframe code, the format for passing a username is different. It includes combination of organization name and login username of an organization.
j_password=dummyPassword : It shows the format of passing a user login password in an iframe code. In this case, the password is dummyPassword.
dir=Travel_Dashboard : It shows the directory name. In this case directory name is Travel_Dashboard.
It shows the dashboard file name and the extension used is “.efw”. In this case, file name is travel_dashboard.efw
In case of any doubt, post your queries on forum